Publication 19.03.2024

In Conversation With - Unlocking Real Estate Opportunities in a Changed World

Frédéric Jariel

Frédéric Jariel

Co-Head of Real Estate

Author Name

Edoardo Crotta

Executive Director, Real Estate Debt Investment

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Falling values and disruption across the debt sector has hampered the normal free flow of global real estate investment.

However, as previous cycles have shown, this can be precisely the time that offers most opportunity for investors. Tikehau Capital has a unique specialism that combines extensive market coverage, real estate expertise and a strong track record of facilitating equity and debt investment. We asked Frédéric Jariel (FJ), co-head of the real estate department and Edoardo Crotta (EC), Portfolio manager of a newly launched real estate credit solution to give their views on how investors can engage with the sector to their advantage.